Gallery - Live Photos

Mostly sourced from Kidorikko's Jpop Wiki page, as well as the Kidorikko Photo Studio (きどりっこ写真館). Ryuichi specified that all of the photos on that page are stills from live shows that were recorded on video.

Make sure to open photos in a new tab to see them at full resolution!

Live at Harajuku Crocodile - June 1986

The exact date of this show is unknown. 8 out of the 17 photos on this page were archived.

There is a part at the end of Kidorikko's history chronicled with "Momoiro Kingyo", '85.4-'86.7, in Kidorikko Pan Pon VIDEO Pin, which shows Chiyumi in a similar outfit as seen during this show (minus the large pool ring and duck plushie, but still with the small arm floaties) though since the title of this clip includes "'85.4-'86.7", I have reason to believe this was not the same show, but a show during July.

Chiyumi Ten & Ru

Matsumae & Chiyumi Ten #1

Chiyumi Ten #2

Chiyumi Ten #3

Chiyumi Ten #4

Matsumae & Chiyumi Ten #4

Chiyumi Ten #6

Kimitaka Matsumae


"June 1986 at Harajuku Crocodile. We must have co-starred with 'Mosuke-san'. At the time, the manager of the place was in tears upon seeing Chiyumi in her 'swimming mode' - with the floatie and the stuffed animal - as well as seeing Matsumae's strange costume. The toy duck actually seems to have become the motif for our later song, 'Okuchiga Ga Ga'."

Live at Shibuya Eggman - August 1986

The exact date of this show is unknown. 4 out of the 18 photos on this page were archived.

These stills (or at least the 3rd and 4th ones, which line up perfectly) are from Kidorikko's performances of Kami no Mani Mani and Kao Kao Bukubuku seen in Kidorikko Pan Pon VIDEO Pin.

Matsumae & Chiyumi Ten #6

Chiyumi Ten #1

Kidorikko Panoramic View #2

Matsumae & Chiyumi Ten #8


"August 1986 at Shibuya Eggman. This was a late-night event, and we were there alongside bands such as D-DAY, Bachikaburi, METROFARCE and more. I find the contrast between our costumes in June and August pretty funny. At the time, there wasn't an MC, nor did we do any comedic bits ourselves, just playing one song after the other without pause. Oh, by the way... has anyone seen Ru-sama?"


Photographs from album booklets and magazines, mostly sourced from Kidorikko's Jpop Wiki page.

Likely 14th June 1986 @ Yoyogi Park

14th June 1986 @ Yoyogi Park

30th November 1986 @ Toshima Public Hall for the Kodomotachi no City tour




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Created by cyd on 13/9/2023.