A list of every known Kidorikko live show in 1986.
Known Dates:
January 27thLAMAMA Shibuya Likely the show where the sound library recordings of Nakama Hazure and Konokono Koneko were taken.
February 7thYokohama VIVRE VIVRE is a shopping mall in Yokohama, which has a live venue called VIVRE-HALL where Kidorikko performed many times.
February 15thShibuya CSV CSV is a record store in Shibuya, which doubles as a live venue. Ryuichi Sato said that they performed with Papaya Paranoia.
February 17thYokohama VIVRE21 Info available on the Kidorikko sound library. Momoiro Kingyo and Nyuusankin Syndrome were some of the songs played.
March 3rdLAMAMA Shibuya
April 18thYokohama VIVRE
April 24thNishiogikubo Watts “World Model TV”
May 2ndShibuya Egg-man
June 1stShibuya Egg-man
June 14thCaptain Records gig at Yoyogi Park, marking Kidorikko’s debut at Captain Records Yoyogi Park is just some park in Shibuya. "Kidorikko's debut" is most definitely referring to C'est L'elegance Na Tanoshimi, their first album released under Captain Records, though according to the Jpop Wiki, the album would have been recorded in July that year, and released in October. Thus, this show was probably to celebrate Kidorikko being signed to Captain Records, not actually the release of their debut album.
June 16thCaptain Records gig at Yoyogi Park, marking Kidorikko’s debut at Captain Records Yoyogi Park is just some park in Shibuya. "Kidorikko's debut" is most definitely referring to C'est L'elegance Na Tanoshimi, their first album released under Captain Records, though according to the Jpop Wiki, the album would have been recorded in July that year, and released in October. Thus, this show was probably to celebrate Kidorikko being signed to Captain Records, not actually the release of their debut album.
July 16thHarajuku Crocodile
August 9thShibuya Egg-man Photos are available here, and the "profile" page on Ryuichi Sato's website may also contain a photo from this show.
August 30thUrawata Shimagahara Rock & Roll Festival Probably performed at the Urawata Shimagahara Outdoor Stage. Part of their performance was recorded and included as part of Pan Pon VIDEO Pin.
October 10thShibuya Egg-man
November 11thLAMAMA Shibuya
Unknown Dates:
February Unknown Location
The page for Kidorikko on the J-pop wiki says that they first performed live in February 1985, not March.
Ryuichi Sato stated on his website that they first performed in March, and so does the booklet, so either there was a Kidorikko show before the one in March, or this is incorrect information, likely spread by fans via word-of-mouth. Unsure.
June Unknown Locations Ryuichi Sato says that Kidorikko toured with popular band Uchoten.
Unknown Date Unknown Location There is no location or year listed for the recording of Kidorikko's performance of Itoshi no Lica-Chan in Kidorikko Pan Pon VIDEO Pin.